Information Downloads
The National Edible Oil Distributors’ Association
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Scientists agree that Acrylamide has the potential to cause cancer in humans. Acrylamide is a chemical substance formed by a reaction between amino acids and sugars. It typically occurs when foods with high starch content such as potatoes, root vegetables and bread, are cooked at high temperatures (over 120°C) in a process of frying, roasting or baking. The formation of Acrylamides have nothing to do with the composition of frying oils.
Smoke Without Fire
Fat fires are a lot less common nowadays than they used to be, but unfortunately they do still happen. This PDF provides practical information on preventing fryer and fat fires.
Frying Oils and Nutrition
Information on the nutritional value of different oils – liquid, solid and semi-liquid – when used in frying.
Frying Guidelines
Useful information on frying your food using oils and fats; including which frying method to use, recommended frying temperatures, a basic chemistry of oils and fats, and fire hazards.